Bright Spots: Social Media & PR Campaigns


Campaigns created to inspire and empower you to share the "Bright Spots" in aging services.
Together, we can #UpliftAging


Flashes of success. A positive orientation. Leadership recognition. A path forward. Ageless inspiration.

Bright Spots, can provide our road map for action — and the hope that change is possible. It's up to you — share, learn, and copy Bright Spots — your positive stories and inspiration will #UpliftAging for a brighter future.


Follow the below links to learn more about these campaigns and related tools. 

Please note the calendar is subject to change.


January | #UpliftAging
Join us as we challenge age-related stereotypes, honor the experiences of older adults, and uplift the narratives that redefine the conversation about growing older. 

February | #CareIsLove
Showcasing the heartfelt commitment of care workers, and how they have become friends and family with those they serve. 

March | #CareersInAging
Bringing greater awareness and visibility to the wide-ranging career opportunities in the field of aging, and the incredible, heroic individuals who work in it.

April | #OpeningDoorstoAgingServices + #NotforProfitDifference
To better understand public views and perceptions of the aging services sector and to help older adults and their families understand and access the vital care and services that many of us will need to lead a fulfilling life as we grow older.

May | #OlderAmericansMonth 
Showcasing residents’ and clients’ diverse aging experiences and, in doing so, help combat stereotypes of growing older.

June | #SeniorLivingChampions 
Celebrating those who are committed to enhancing the field of aging services and who excel in leadership and advocacy.

July | #AgelessCreativity
Highlighting the positives of the aging process and educating the public on the value of the creativity expressed by older Texans.

August | #AgingWell
Exploring ways to live vibrantly, promote healthy aging practices, and create a community that champions a fulfilling and joyful life at every stage

September | #NationalWorkforceDevelopmentMonth
Celebrating the dedicated professionals serving our older adults and their families. Let us use your stories of workforce success to help your peers thrive in a time of relentless change.

October | #NationalBookMonth
Connecting through the love of books and explore their role in fostering empathy, knowledge, and understanding in the realm of aging services.

November |  #AlzheimersAwarenessMonth
Sharing valuable information, personal stories, and resources aimed at fostering understanding, advocating for research, and offering support to individuals and families affected by Alzheimer's

December | #ConnectingGenerations
Celebrating connections between different age groups, understanding that each generation brings unique experiences and perspectives.